January 11, 2020: Old Guy and Me (and so it begins)

Old Guy and me

We did it. Somehow, someway...with a lot of help from a lot of wonderful people, we got my father-in-law moved out of his long-time home in Monterey, Indiana. I flew in last Monday to assist with the move. Larry and I 'flew out' today, via our packed vehicles and a stuffed U-Haul trailer. Oh what a week.

Let me start by saying that I have never met Larry's mom, Mabel, nor have I met the prior owner of his house, Agnes. But I now feel like we are intimately acquainted and I am grateful for the experience. I have also relived the years of Larry's ex's and Garrett's ex through the house cleansing process. Photos, cards, memorabilia from trips...you name it, I've been through it.

As Larry and I reflected over wine and steak tonight, so much of our journey is lived in a home. A journey full of people who have walked by our side. The home being the ultimate holder of these memories.

Now I need to digress a bit on Mabel and Agnes and the memories revived this week...

Let's start with Mabel. Larry was born and raised in Monterey. His mom, Mabel, was a longtime and well-loved teacher at the Monterey Grade School. Larry grew up just blocks from the house he just moved from. Although he left for the Navy after high school and has lived in many states and places in between, he settled back in Monterey twelve(ish) years ago.

When Larry's mom passed away, he inherited many boxes of her treasured belongings including a cedar chest full of family history. These belongings moved with him from place to place unopened. This week we finally opened the boxes and went through them one by one. I enjoyed hearing about each piece and why they were treasured.

Although we didn't keep everything, we accumulated all the photos and personal memorabilia in the cedar chest which will be more carefully 'gone through' in Durango. I can't wait to use some of Mabel's favorite dishes for cooking. It is amazing how well one's memory ties back to favorite scents and flavors, especially in the kitchen. Larry could describe his mom's dishes and what was made in them as though he was sitting in his childhood kitchen with her today.

Agnes was the prior owner of Larry's house. As is common in small towns, Larry not only bought Agnes' house after she passed away, he also received all of her personal belongings within the walls of her longtime home. Agnes was single and had been born and raised in this house built at the turn-of-the-century. The cemetery is the backyard neighbor and the firehouse, just across the street.

Larry remembers Agnes as the bank teller opening his first childhood savings account at the Monterey Bank. When Agnes passed after a long and happy life, her house was sold 'as is'. Fast forward to Larry's move this week and we still had most of Agnes' belongings to sift through. From an antique sewing machine to a treasured early model typewriter, you can learn a lot about a person from their most cherished belongings. Larry has often commented that Agnes still walks her house. I think she may have jumped in the U-Haul to join us. The more the merrier.

I would be remiss if I didn't highlight Larry's neighbors. Just as my Omaha neighbors were so hard for me to move from, I am now watching Larry experience the same emotions. What great people.

Change is hard. Moving is hard. Good-byes are hard. But Larry has kept a stiff upper lip as we made our rounds the best we could during our week of exhaustion and chaos.

The hard part for Larry is that we can't say 'see you next time'. Travel isn't one of Larry's favorite things these days and he can't commit to coming back for a visit. We shall see. I would love for it to happen, but as Larry and I always tell each other...we will figure it out each day when we wake up. But please know, we welcome all visitors to Durango!

The new chapter of Old Guy and Me has officially begun. Garrett will join in the fun once we get to Colorado, but Larry and I still have some ground to cover westward until we get there. Change is hard. We are going to take it one day at a time. Each day brings a new start and a fresh opportunity for an adventure.

Cheers to the journey so far. We are all in. Durango or bust...


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