November 4, 2014: Just Another Ordinary Day

Just another ordinary day in Omaha.

Many have been asking what I'm up to; why this blogger has gone suddenly quiet. Illness? Sadness? Or joyful bliss in my new chapter?

So here I sit. 9:57 p..m. on a Tuesday night, answering this very question. I am feeling like I'm 'back home', pounding on my keyboard, but without the background noise of work e-mail, spreadsheets or checking on-line grades for kids.

My ordinary day of today is much different than it was two, three...five years ago. We are all older with pressures of everyday life, much different.

I guess the best way to start is not with a catch-up of the many days that have passed since my last blog, but instead on the day now ending. Pretty representative, if I say so myself....

Today started with a 5:30 a.m. run. I have run with this same group of ladies since we were potty-training our now 18 year-old's. Same route. Same friends. Same kids. Just different challenges and life goals. Our perspectives have changed from choice of daycare provider and paint color of the toy room, to the college years and where we are planning the next get-away with the hubby.

Next on the agenda was consumption of my cherished first cup of morning coffee. Pumpkin spice creamer was the chosen flavor. Divine. With hot cup of coffee in hand, I dropped off my trail-ender to high school. Note that sweaty clothes, stocking cap, and pigtails were still in place. The 14 year old quickly bailed before his fellow high-schoolers could connect the dots between him and his less-then-presentable mother.

Did I mention how much I enjoy my first mug of coffee in the morning?

Did I also mention how a bit of quiet routine heightens my spirits and brings me energy?

Fed the dog and cat. Another cup of coffee. Breakfast. Anything with an egg makes me happy. Hot bath. Laundry going. Morning motivational e-mails read. Dress picked. Red stiletto shoe day. Matching belt a plus. Feeling tall. Feeling good. With curls in hair and computer bag packed, I was out the door.

Today we went live on a electronic health record for one of our clinician groups. Excitement. Group effort and positive feedback. Feeling grateful for my professional partners. Negativity drains me. Positivity fills my bucket. Very full today.

Our building grows. The glass is stunning. A reminder that we are 8 months away from a move. Lots to do. Patients to care for, listen to, guide. Physicians and business professionals to collaborate. Shared mission and values. Patients. Care.

105 returned e-mails. 24 returned phone calls. People. Lots of people. Patients confused on benefits. Insurance companies confused on benefits. Our advocates looking to understand and help make the complicated, less so. More people. Employees needing guidance. Problems at home. Direction for work. New standards. Old problems. Consensus and collaboration. Always.

9 texts from my middle son. Miss him. But few days go by without communication. Ben is just fine. And very happy.

Youngest son and I are making our way in a much quieter world. Didn't have a clue how quiet our home life would be less Zach and then Ben. VERY quiet. But we have adapted. Grant is loving his new high school journey. The responsibilities that come with these years are time consuming. But we are finding our way.

No word today from Zach, but that is just fine. I will see him in Denver this weekend and will likely hear from him by Thursday. "What's the plan this weekend, Mom?" Having him at school in Denver has been nothing short of a Godwink. The months remaining are dwindling, but I'm enjoying my Colorado time with my adult son. Likely after this will be our last run.

Trainer and gym at 4:00. He continually kicks my butt. I am grateful. My butt needs kicking. He is kind. Reminds me of one of my own sons. I am sure his mother pleased.

A smoothie from Lifetime and then catch-up on another 26 work e-mail that accumulated while at the gym. My 14 year old attends a Skutt volleyball game. Garbage out. Mail checked. Bills paid. Inspection of fall clean up by my landscaper. Very nice. Snow will be here soon as evidenced by snow blower now setting in the garage.

Husband is working on a community service project in Denver. We exchange a few texts and messages. Busy day, but happy that we will be back together tomorrow.

Belated birthday celebration at the Wine Dive with friends. Laughter. Stories. Sharing of life. Time check of 9:00 and we all roll our eyes in surprise that we're still up. More voice mails, e-mails and texts that await me. Mental notes are made on my way home on trips to be planned and work priorities.

Most pressing is my commitment to another 5:30 a.m. run in the morning and my need for sleep. A son that needs some attention at home and a husband that needs attention from afar. And then the long-lost blog that needs written. Now that does fill me.

It's now 10:37 p.m. With alarms set, dog at my side, and my inner circle taken care of; I can now go to bed. Although ordinary in today's standard, I deem it a very good day. Nite....


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