November 28, 2014: Motive
Me and my fur (furry friend, in this case) I think a lot about motive these days. Both mine and that of others. Assessing life choices, I always challenge myself with understanding the underlying individual motives. Purity of motive is golden and makes decision-making easy. Working through personal that's a whole different story. It started at a young age when I had to think through whether my new friend, Mary, really wanted my friendship or if she just wanted to hang with my older brothers. Motive? Likely brothers. As an adult, the stakes got bigger. Somehow personal agendas expand. Understanding motive has became even more important. Then there are times when motive is gray. The gray area is the toughest. Do I want to give to that charity because it's the right thing to do or do I want my name displayed prominently in their flyer? If my motive was completely pure, would name recognition be necessary? Hmmmm...that's a tough one. There are good arg...