May 15, 2014: Lost Myself....Again...

Here I am again. A million stories in my mind. But no pen to paper. Too busy. <sigh>.

But regardless of the chaos of April and May, today was a good day. My mom and dad are back in town. They rolled in this afternoon. And we are all happy;. Zach, Ben, Grant, Sandy, Garrett. Life is good.

We will be celebrating a graduation with Ben this weekend with family and friends. Seeing the loving faces of my parents is Step One. Tomorrow will be a final planning day before the gala on Saturday.

It's been two years since my parents have been with us in Omaha. We missed them. Tonight we met friends for dinner in the Old Market. We laughed and shared life. As a newly minted adult, Zach was able to join us as well. A good night.

And now I take a breath and long for a bit of time to write. A bit of time to catch up with my family. A bit of time to relax and enjoy the moment.

As a wise friend once told me..."breathe". Just breathe and enjoy the ride. Milestones are abound for the Lane crew. Time to just smell the roses and enjoy my parents and the accomplishments of my soon-to-grown-up children. One day at a time... :)....


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