March 23, 2007: The King's Crown

I felt the urge to post an old daily journal entry.  I randomly chose a journal and then randomly flipped to this page entry.  Front and center was this picture of Grant.  I know I'm the mom, but could that look on his face be any cuter?  He was playing the role of "criminal" for Mrs. Brinkman's second grade class' "14 Jewels in the King's Crown"; an annual play at school as part of Lent.  This particular day was a Friday, March 23, 2007 and my journal entry for the day was as follows:

"Today was gorgeous!  A top ten day!!!  I ran at 5:30 a.m. with Cindy and Kristi (what a great way to start the day with two of my favorite people :)).  I was a fill-in for Rotary president over the lunch hour and brought a potential new member as my guest.  Grant had his acting debut as the criminal in the Stations of the Cross.  Other than struggling to get the towel back on his head between roles - he was fantastic!  And my heart melts seeing the adorable look on his face with the attached photo that I snapped as I zoomed in.  I headed to Sioux City for a client meeting in the afternoon.  It was a beautiful day to travel.  Although a bit contentious, the meeting had a good outcome.  My visit with Grandma Gib was bitter sweet.  She is very tired and sleepy and wanting out of the hospital.  She did give us some smiles and was happy to see both Gwen and I.  Aunt Kathy joined Gwen and I at Grandma's house.  We stayed up for hours reminiscing, drinking wine and laughing.  We deemed it our "slumber party".  Up too late, but the excellent company was worth it."

Ah, yes...having a sweet seven year old boy, a grandma still alive to hug and love, and an adult girl slumber party.  I don't know if an ordinary day could be much better than that!


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