February 7, 2016: Day 62

Super Bowl festivities on Day 62
Today is Day 62 of my self-imposed, but mandatory, 90 days off. Many are aware of this 90 day adventure. To others, this may be new news. My time off has been described as many things; from 'mental detox' to 'my sabbatical' to 3 months of 'living abroad'.

I would agree to any of these descriptions. Each passing day has proven to have a flavor of something different, covering a wide spectrum of feelings.

The key points surrounding my time off is that for 90 days 1) I'm not working (like a paid job) and 2) I'm not making any major decisions. The magic behind what triggered the 90 days and the adventures leading up to Day 62 will be covered in future blogs. Lots of thoughts and learnings to share, but too much for tonight (especially given my limited time to focus and write between Super Bowl pass snaps and commercials).

Know that it has been 62 days of happiness with lots of self-discovery going on; with clarity in fulfilling my Godly purpose at the top of the list. In summary, I would simply point out how starkly different life looks out of my 48 year-old eyes than it did when I was a tender 30.

I like to coin my little journey as '90 Days of Listening'. I have spent most of my last 3 1/2 years on the side of talking. I was so ready to hear what the rest of the world has been up; catching up with dear friends while rekindling long-time business and community relationships. With every passing encounter, my heart and mind are filled with great prospects on serving my purpose with these great people in the days and years to come.

But my focus is currently on today and living in the moment. That moment currently includes watching Peyton lead our Broncos in the 50th Super Bowl game while enjoying the comfort of our Omaha home. It's just Garrett, Cookie and I sitting by the living room fireplace. I am enjoying my Christmas gift from my father-in-law, Larry. One of twenty-four Stella Artois' beers in a classic Stella beer glass. He bought me four of those. Thank-you, Larry. It is a perfect accompaniment to the night.

The basement is the gathering spot for the other humans in the house. This entails six teenagers, ranging in age from 15-16, laughing and cheering among their exclusive company of each other. They only come upstairs to use the bathroom or grab more B-Dubs or pizza.

Just the way a Super Bowl Sunday should roll. Now we need a Broncos win to cap our day. My oldest son, Zach, has been a forever Panthers fan and would disagree. I will post pictures in the days ahead on who will pay for the lost bet between Garrett and Zach.

I am looking forward to a glitzy halftime show (and likely my second Stella...can't let Larry down). Tomorrow, Day 63, will be a busy; full in many ways and with many people. More to come on this tomorrow night.

After some loving encouragement (prodding) from my husband, I am committing to daily blogging until I reach Day 90. It really is therapy in sorting out my thoughts and letting the most important revelations rise to the top.

And to the many people who have shared with me their following of my blog; thank-you so much for that. Your ongoing support and friendship is a gift I do not take for granted. It means a ton to me and keeps me writing.

Life is good.



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