February 27, 2016: Quickly approaching Day 90...

A little Saturday play after a hard day's work
As I have found in life, the days fly by. Regardless of whether I am working or not. Such was the case last week. In the blink of an eye, I went from the mountains of Utah to the Denver Rockies. And then back home to Omaha. Yesterday's 70 degree Nebraska day offset the lure of the mountain views.

A good week.

In recap...

Day 77 (Monday - 2/22/16)
Monday was a day of legal work for us. Never underestimate the worth of a good attorney. This isn't a new realization for me, but an insight that has served me well both personally and in business over my years.

And by 'good attorney', I mean much more than seasoned and smart. It means high integrity and ability to steer clients in the right direction, even if it isn't what the client wants to hear. Barring all attorney jokes, I have had the blessing of working with the best. Monday was no exception.

Logically we went from attorneys to margaritas. Monday was National Margarita Day. After doing our domestic duties in preparing dinner, Garrett and I ran out to buy some much needed groceries. A quick stop at the neighborhood Mexican restaurant for a toast to this national holiday was just what the doctor ordered.

Day 78 (Tuesday - 2/23/16)
We woke up to snow cover in Denver on Tuesday. But the joy of Denver is how quickly the snow melts and becomes a distant memory. By 3:30, I was running outside in a light layer of clothing, sunny skies, and with no snow underfoot. A quiet day with one child home from school battling a bug.

Day 79 (Wednesday - 2/24/16)
After the Denver kids were delivered to their schools and other home, Garrett and I ventured to the airport. Although the airport is a bit farther from our home than our preference, we have this gig down. With a TSA fly-through, train ride to Gate C, A-List boarding by Garrett, an hour flight; we were on Nebraska ground.

We are blessed with great neighbors in Omaha who care for our animals and home like their own. With our absence a bit longer this go-around than the usual, a pile of mail greeted me. But among the mounds of paper and boxes were many pleasant surprises.

Once the recycle bin was filled with discards, there was only one bill. The rest were of a personal nature. My 'booty' included a Broncos sweatshirt I ordered after their great Super Bowl win and a jeweled headband from my beloved Chloe and Isabel (gift to myself), https://www.chloeandisabel.com/boutique/megansorensen.

But the other items were surprises. Two heartfelt and hand-written thank-you cards from friends. One included a coffee gift card. And then there was a small package to me from Garrett's dad. He had just returned home from a Caribbean cruise and bought for me a pearl pendant and sapphire necklace on his trip. Wonderful gifts that warmed my heart.

A closer look
I wore my new blue necklace to the Creighton basketball game that night and enjoyed seeing all my fellow fans and seat mates although we watched a sad loss for our beloved Bluejays. Grant & friends joined me, but other than their company in the car on the way down, I didn't see their pretty faces again that night. Good thing I can hold my own. :)

Day 80 (Thursday - 2/25/16)
Finally back in town to run with my gal pals. We have been running together for around 15 years. Our runs in the past consisted of faster paces and more people in our group, but here we are; still together after all these years. My accountability partners provide early morning therapy while getting me out of bed at 5:15 in the morning, eager to start the day.

Thursday was busy with a breakfast, a coffee, and a lunch with past (and soon to be current) business associates. I continue to enjoy my listening tour, catching up with those I have greatly looked up to over the years and gaining much perspective from their valued insights.

Date night with Garrett was followed by dropping him off at the airport. This weekend will be spent apart as we each have our kids under our own care in two separate cities. This doesn't happen very often anymore, but we always try to make the best of it.

People often ask how we lead this crazy life and how we do it not being together all the time. The key is that it isn't all about us. We try to make the best decisions for the kids and ourselves as a couple based on the circumstances in front of us. Life is all about give and take. A good, but inevitable, lesson learned for families of divorce.

There is no perfect world with multiple homes that now involve step families. But we all need to understand that it isn't 'all about me'. This is a great lesson in compromise and embracing life challenges.

As seasoned 50-ish year old's, we know this lesson all too well in the many facets of our lives. It's good for our kids to embrace this young as they will inevitably deal with it in their adult lives. But as parents we continually remind ourselves how important it is to 'be present' for kids, regardless of their age. The balancing act continues...

Day 81 (Friday - 2/26/16)

Is there any better way to wake up than feeling loved? Sometimes the whimsical, but kind acts are the ones with the most impact. Although 550 miles apart, Garrett and I do try to stay in frequent contact as a couple and make sure the other feels appreciated and loved, despite the miles.

Garrett sent me this song via e-mail (thanks, You Tube) with a simple note and a lot of xoxox's. Needless to say, Friday was an awesome day.

My Friday ended in as awesome a manner as it started. My other running gal pals (those opting out of the 5:30 a.m. start) have formed a team with a goal of running 2016 in 2016. We have also signed up for a couple of 5K's and a half-marathon. For Robbie and I, this is a goal. For Laurie, our running idol, this is a way of life. Her running adventures are a whole blog by itself.

But in commemoration of a running 'first' for her within our trio, Laurie has begrudgingly agreed to wear a tutu for the St. Patrick's day run. She tried one on for a trial run Friday night. This tutu was a pink version that Robbie includes as part of her wardrobe. A green one will soon be part of Laurie's.

I think she will actually like it.

Robbie's husband, Russ, again did a stellar job in entertaining the ladies. As forever friends, we laughed over many past adventures when Russ served as either chaperon or host to us. Thanks to Robbie and Russ for the great hospitality and Jack Halpenny for the endless entertainment.

Day 82 (Saturday - 2/27/16)
A work day. Ben came home from college, specifically to help with chores around the house. With a beautiful spring-like day, we started outside. Plants needed cut down and pots thrown away. A trampoline needed to be fixed and moved. Branches and twigs cleaned up and sporting equipment sorted for trash, keep or Goodwill.

We took a break for a late lunch at Oscar's for pizza and wings (and lots of leftovers for Ben to take back to Lincoln). Inside work included the boys patching holes in walls, moving furniture, and more 'trash, keep or Goodwill' decision-making.

With a purchase of two new basketballs (about 4 old ones hit the trash) combined with ideal weather, there were also many breaks for hoops. Although I love joining them outside, I would rather watch and enjoy the nice weather.

After taking one shot and missing, the allure of the green grass behind the basket caught my eye. I decided to lay
down and look at the sky.

Ben: "Grant, look at Mom. She took one shot and decided it would be more fun to take pictures while laying down on the grass."

Seemed perfectly logical to me.

Teaching our children that life is as much about hard work as fun play is a good thing. Saturday was a day well spent.

And now the big realization is starting to set in for me. Day 90 is seriously next Sunday?? Yikes. I still have people to see and things to do. Good thing I believe in extensions.....

(90 Days Off realization #17: A day spent with our loved ones is a day well spent. Don't put off spending time with these people who rank at the top of your list. There are no guarantees for tomorrow.)

And as a final note, I'll share the video I took while laying on the grass. Just like when they were in grade school, Grant and Ben are always making up new games with balls. And seriously...why are they kicking basketballs??


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