September 12, 2015: Birthday Weekend

And so I sit on our back patio, sipping hot coffee and watching golfers enjoy a beautiful morning in Denver. Amid the chaos of everyday life, I find my Outlook calendar and travel schedule has me in Colorado this weekend. It's been a month since I've spent any time outside of Nebraska, so a refreshing reprieve in all of it's mountainous glory.

I have also been quickly reminded that it is my birthday weekend, with birthday hitting tomorrow. A Sunday. A weekend birthday deems it a birthday weekend. At least that's my rule.

With Labor Day feeling like yesterday, I really hadn't a clue that my mid-month birthday was this soon. Wednesday night I received a text from a friend and co-worker in the midst of a work interchange.

"What are you doing for your b-day this weekend? Knocking something off your bucket list?"

Birthday? This weekend? With computer on my lap, I pulled up my Outlook calendar. Sure enough she was correct. Birthday on Sunday with green color coding indicating locale will be Denver.

I couldn't answer her question on bucket list adventures since I hadn't even thought about my birthday.

"My birthday is Sunday." I shared aloud with Garrett. "Will I be 49 this year?" was my question while doing the mental math.

Garrett let me know that he knew it was my birthday (purple reminder on his Outlook calendar) and that I will be 48. Although his next comment would have reference to a blond moment, I quickly reminded him that I am never asked my age, just DOB. So not immediately knowing my age is not that far out there, right?

Confirming age and birthday, I soon began thinking about the bucket list question. Maybe we should plan something fun. A nudge in the right direction in my estimation. And a quick weekend away in the playground of Denver. Surely we can find some fun adventures between our typical on-going work and e-mail log reduction.

My mind wandered quickly to the hot air balloons we frequently admire on our many bike rides through Chatfield State Park. An e-mail inquiry and a phone call back the next day resulted in our first planned event of the weekend. Second planned event came from my trainer, mentioning to me on Thursday that the Broncos were kicking off their season in Denver on Sunday. Hmmmm...

Within two days, I have somehow filled a weekend. Some are set plans. Some are just thoughts. But I am a bit determined to try to squeeze it all in, all while keeping up with work and the e-mail explosions.

My mom likes to remind me that although filling a schedule and making the most out of a day is a strength of mine, it can be a weakness as well. All in moderation are her words of advice to me. Mom has also been quick to remind me that my youngest son has followed suit in the enjoyment of adventure area.

At age seven, Grant was spending a week with his grandparents in Arizona. Mom told me the story of how little Grant sounded like her own little daughter from years back. As they were taking a morning walk into the foothills of the neighboring mountains, Grant got caught up in the excitement of the upcoming day...

"Grandma, let's climb the mountain! And then we can have breakfast with Grandpa and catch a squirrel. And then we can bake a cake and then sew a blanket. And then we can see the trains. And then...and then...and then."

Mom later reflected that she was exhausted just listening to him.

Fast forward to birthday weekend....

Now Grant's mom thinks climbing a mountain sounds spectacular as well. And a bike ride after writing this blog. And then I definitely need to get a manicure and pedicure. The new Breckinridge Brewery is now open. That's a must. Huskers play tonight. Joining us in all the fun is Zach. Now a Fort Collins resident, he will be making the trek to join in the weekend birthday fun.

Tomorrow starts with a hot air balloon ride over Ken Caryl. Then the Broncos game. And I kind of want to finish my book in between. And did I mention that Garrett and I walked to a neighboring Italian restaurant for dinner last night to start birthday weekend? The weather is fabulous. And my morning cup of coffee brought to me by dear husband, a daily gift that I cherish.

Morning coffee <check>
Blog <check>

Next ride then pedi......

Picture from 9/14/14...enjoying sight of balloons on bike ride.
This year will be enjoying the view from the balloons!


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