July 3, 2014: Dueling Laptops

A late flight back to Denver has turned into a late night. This is pretty typical with our flights home (the home to the West, that is). The later the flight, the higher likelihood it will be bumped. It's the domino effect to the last man standing.

For the record, the terminal is pretty dead. Most people are enjoying the beautiful pre-holiday night in a lawn chair, not in an airport.

As Garrett and I maneuvered on the busy Interstate, we quickly noted that the high volume of traffic was turning into Ameritrade Ballpark. Eppley Airfield did not appear to be the destination of choice. Our suspicions were correct. Wrestling for an open table at the airport bar was not a requirement for our typical Date Night.

So I now sit beside my honey with dueling laptops among the quiet buzz surrounding us. It's all good though. Sometimes God winks unexpected downtime into our otherwise busy lives. We have enough fireworks going on in day-to-day living. And who would have thought the most peaceful place in Omaha, on this busy Thursday night, would be the airport?

Excitement starts tomorrow with our intermingled crew of kids in Denver. Zach has a friend visiting as well. Our fireworks.....start.....soon.........

For now? A little quiet time with the hubby. (and please note that my e-mail in-box is down to four messages. That NEVER happens :))



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