December 1, 2013: God Gave Me Boys

Lane boys enjoying the Broncos/Chiefs game
When Grant was eight, he missed a football practice because Nebraska Football Fan Day conflicted. I called the coach to tell him about Grant's pending absence. His response wasn't one of annoyance, but instead admiration.

"Wow, that's so cool that you're taking Grant to Lincoln to meet the football team. My mom would have never done that for me growing up. I hope Grant appreciates it."

His response actually took me aback. Didn't all moms take their kids to Lincoln for all things Husker football? I marked my calendar religiously for theses events; the spring game, fan day, and the regular season games. And we almost always hit an away game each year as well.

What I have learned, although not previously suspected, is that these are typically dad/son trips. Moms and sons spending time together at sporting events appear to be an anomaly. But not at my house. God gave me boys.

My life has been free of American Girl Dolls and dance recitals, but instead full of forts, Nerf guns and all things sports. I don't worry about long waits due to adolescent clothing choices, but instead beg my sons to wear clothing bearing no stains or offensive language. I continuously remind them of the merits of deodorant and fresh undergarments.

Food. They eat a lot. Now that they all weigh more than me, they eat at an even higher record pace. Today we spent a mom/sons day at Arrowhead Stadium. They ate foot-long subs on the way down, stadium food at the game, McDonald's on the way home. And I just heard someone in the kitchen, rummaging through the frig.

The three hour drive to Kansas City and back was filled with fantasy football conversation and planning for our Blackhawks trip in March. And they did fight over ear buds, chargers and music stations. Boys are physical. There is no crying, but wrestling in the car is worse than tears. In the end there were more laughs than fights and many thanks to their mom for taking them to a great game.

Someone once told me that life is much more fun being an active participant. I learned this lesson at a young age as I tried to keep up with my brothers. This great training in fort building and sports watching has seemed to pay off. Because God gave me boys. And I am very comfortable in this role.


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