March 21, 2018: Time....Is on My Side.

The picture above is from Remsen Kids' Days in the bi-centennial year of 1976. Kids' Days were an annual event, but the 200th birthday of our country made it an extra-special celebration in my little hometown. I remember this picture like yesterday; the warmth of my grandma's arm around my waist and my concern for my brothers’ misbehaving antics when they should have been smiling nicely. My mom sewed my outfit of festive red, white, and blue (unfortunately my colorful shorts aren't showing). I was nine years old. Too big for my grandma's lap, but she didn't mind. And to me, it didn't matter at all. The capturing of my grandpa's smirk in response to my older brothers' shenanigans perfectly depicts the phrase 'a picture is worth a thousand words'. This picture is now my computer screen saver. And I smile every time I see it. A reminder of what truly matters. The people and moments we never forget when we take the time to enjoy them...