August 16, 2017: Baby

Our daily early evening routine from 2004-2006 Well, it's happened. Baby is a senior. Months from graduation. Our last hoorah. My feeling is similar to the day I went to kindergarten round-up for him. As I sat in the crowd of parents, I couldn't believe my youngest was actually going to start school. He was just out of diapers. This couldn't be. Having a panic attack, overstressed with 3 young kids while juggling a demanding career, I was sure I had made a mistake. So I did what any good accountant would do. I recounted the years on my fingers. 2000....2001...2002...2003...2004... Yep. Despite my temporary confusion, Baby Grant really was old enough to go to kindergarten. And so it began. I have cried my way through many last-parenting moments starting with our drive home from the hospital following Grant's birth. With each flutter and kick with Baby #3, I enjoyed every minute of my last pregnancy. His birth was the planned last. Knowing it was the beginn...