August 11, 2014: Time Passages

Skutt Football 2014
This morning began like any typical morning. At least what a "normal" Monday morning feels like to me.

The alarm went off at 4:45 as a stark reminder of Garrett's 6:45 flight back to Denver. After a quiet and dark drive to the airport, I dropped Garrett off and headed home. Grant was the next who needed to get out the door. Today was the first day of official football practice for Skutt Catholic. Two-a-days with the first practice at 6:30 a.m.

For the last 8 years, the start of high school football has been our official sign that summer is over. Somehow this pivotal date always sneaks up on me like a pouncing cat on an unsuspecting mouse. Boom. Today I acknowledged in disbelief that it really was August 11th. Planning for our busy May, full of graduation milestones, seems like yesterday. I am still cleaning up from the party.

But such is life. This creep that starts slowly, but ends quickly, happens to us every year. This morning I was startled into the reality of what this day would bring.

It felt odd to drop off Grant at the Skutt football field. Grade school days are done. It felt equally odd that Ben was not participating in football practice. His four year tour of duty was complete. I took in the field and the school with a different set of eyes this morning. A chapter has officially closed and a new one has begun.

After dropping off Grant, Ben asked for a ride to his summer job. It was nice to catch up with him as he updated me on which friends had already left for college and his own plans for packing and planning over the next week. It didn't seem to bother him that high school was behind him and playing football was in his past. He is excited for his next adventure.

As for Grant, he is also ready and eager. Being the youngest of the Lane boys to walk the halls of Skutt can be a good thing and a bad thing for Grant, but he is excited. I have no doubt he will find his own way, outside of the shadows he appears to be following.

The sunlight in the horizon reminded me that my heavy heart was unnecessary. The only one with a hint of sadness on this realization of change was me. Grant and Ben were golden with their new day.

So a good morning, all and all. The sun is shining and life will keep moving at record pace. We all just need to keep enjoying the ride.


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