April 1, 2012: The Beauty of Spring

We stopped in the middle of our run through Boys Town to smell the gorgeous lilacs.  I picked a small bunch for my hair.  One of my running friends took this picture of me showing off my hair accessory at Prairie Life (check out the guy stretching in the background :))

It is a gorgeous Palm Sunday morning and I am laying in bed listening to the birds chirp and enjoying the cool breeze through my open windows; all while sipping a delightful cup of coffee.  The dryer is humming, the animals are lazily laying on the steps, and Grant is playing downstairs...the morning couldn't be more perfect and peaceful.  Five years ago I would have been setting my alarm for 6:00 a.m. and fitting in every imaginable task on my never ending to-do list before it was time to get ready for noon mass.  And back in those days, I would have probably pushed it a bit too far causing stress in making it to church on time.  I am quite certain many people have felt and lived this same drill.  But it is amazing how five years can change your outlook on what constitutes the perfect Sunday morning on a beautiful spring day.

What I do know is that the bed will be made, the coffee pot turned off, and Grant and I showered and ready with time to spare before we go to mass today.  There is also a high likelihood that I will be making a breakfast of Grant's choice in the very near future (while enjoying another cup of coffee, of course).  There is definitely something to be said for stopping and smelling the roses rather than racing through life at a record speed.  Although checking things off of my bottomless list will always make me happy (can't run away from our human wiring), the happiness of a conversation with my son and reflecting on all of life's glory is much more satisfying then being able to complete three loads of laundry while simultaneously hosing down the garage floor and training for a triathlon.

All of this does follow the very true saying "you have to stop and smell the roses".  And in order to smell the roses, you need to notice that they are there first.  Way too often the race of life shuts our eyes to all that is truly important and bring us the greatest joys in life.  This perfect Nebraska winter and spring (is it even officially spring yet?)  has been a blessing and a reminder to take in God's gifts as they are given to us each day.  It is amazing how a green lawn, blossoming trees, and blooming tulips can bring so much happiness.  And you can't miss nature's abundant beauty right now unless you are either locked in a room or function with your eyes closed.  I am grateful for my tulips, lawn, and peaceful existence.  I hope that I can remember each day to open my eyes to the wonders around me and enjoy them with the people in my life :)

My tulips and pots full of spring color
And green, plush grass :)


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