February 8, 2018: I Found My Thrill...

Mom & Me selfie outside Del Webb Wellness Center in Kingman, AZ I recently talked to a friend about pursuing her passion in her next career. Currently in between jobs, she is looking to jump from the insurance world to the hospice world. Most would see this as a leap of faith. I see it as a great fit and a huge asset to those who will benefit from her strengths and desire to serve her greater purpose. My friend's husband died many years ago. Raising her child on her own after a lengthy period of caring for her young, ailing husband, I see no one better equipped to help others work through end-of-life. As we talked through her transition and desires, I immediately thought about a favorite book of mine, "Being Mortal" by Atul Gawande. The author, a practicing physician, argues that quality of life is the desired goal for patients and families. Gawande tells wonderful real-life stories of elderly and hospice care demonstrating that the last years or months of ...