October 15, 1017: My Own Magical Mystery Bus Tour

Flower Power - Patty, Robbie, Rox After recent colorful postings on Facebook celebrating my 50th birthday, I fielded questions on the theme behind my gal pal celebration... "Were you going to a Pink concert?" "Why the peace movement?" "Now that looked like fun. When is the next time and can I join??" My 50th surprise celebration was 60's themed after my 1967 year of birth. And I got my very own Magical Mystery Bus Tour. I have always been the driver, but this was my first as the passenger. Anyone in my family is well versed on these tours. Since my sons were little, I would load them in the car and simply say we were going on a Magical Mystery Bus Tour. Instead of debating what we were going to do, the conversation would instead be filled with enthusiastic guesses with my giving clues on our mystery destinations. Today these outings would be known to most as 'forced family fun'. But no one in my home knew the better. Input from ...