February 28, 2015: The Oldest Child
Zach and Nick displaying their citations received on our hike outside Denver Recently in the middle of some light conversation, my oldest son, Zach, brought up my blog topics. He was quick to point out his perception of my favoritism toward his younger brothers. Although the banter was all in fun, I had to defend myself. His interpretation was obviously inaccurate. But my 'fly below radar' eldest doesn't miss a beat. I accepted the fact that if we were to count, he would not win as the featured son in blog posts. A funny correlation since Zach is probably is the son I see the most of these days. This resulted in me pointing out that he has the most picture posts on FaceBook and Instagram with all of our Denver outings of recent months. "Good Lord, Mother, I really don't care" was his response. Although in jest, the conversation did get me to think about my oldest and our time together. Over the last nine months, I have been able to spend time with ...