March 18, 2012: Run Forest, Run!

Ben ~ 12 years old Ben just left for Day Two of his first job. A month shy of his sixteenth birthday, Ben has been quite excited about this first time feat. He landed this job at a newly opened breakfast restaurant after much persistence in hopes of being a gainfully employed bus boy. Instead he was hired as a host. I do have to say that when he called in exuberance to tell me he got the job, I as a bit surprised that his initial role would be the host position. The mother in me had a few pangs of angst thinking it would be a bit better for my free-spirit middle child to learn the ropes cleaning tables rather than throwing him onto the masses on Day One. But as with many stages in parenthood, this one was out of my hands. This one was up to Ben. Yesterday morning began with a scurry of me trying to locate a birth certificate and Social Security card requested by Ben's new employer. As I unsuccessf...