
Showing posts from January, 2012

January 31, 2012: Introduction

Inspiration comes in many forms.  For this blog it started with a random text from a co-worker, which lead me to a You Tube video, which resulted in a perceived compliment, and then an "aha moment" with this blog idea. The text came a couple of weeks ago from a co-worker who expressed to me that a video she just watched made her think of me.  This random text peaked my curiosity and led me to Google the noted video, "The Gift of an Ordinary Day".  After a bit of fumbling with my less-than-nimble You-Tube searching skills, I located this video which is associated with author Katrina Kenison and her book of the same name.  The seven minute video is of the author reading excerpts from the book while flashing touching photos of her two sons growing from infants through childhood and into young adulthood.  Her words resonated with me on the quickness of this growing up process and the value of our ordinary days with our child...